Its a strange thing now Friday evenings to come to shule and it still is light.
Mincha was said at 630pm followed by Kabbalat Shabbat. For some strange reason Rabbi White led all the services.
On Friday night the Rabbi spoke about chasing love and happiness and not realizing that it is what we have already. The idea was expressed from Jacob. He married two wives, one he loved and adored, the other he disliked. Strangely, the majority of his children came from the one disliked. He lived mainly with the one that he disliked and was even buried with her. Yet the one which he loved only brought him joy on distant occassions. The cherished child from his loved wife was taken from him.
When we think that we are married to two people the one we love and the one we dislike we are bound to end up with the one we dislike. When we realize that the one we love also has faults and therefore is the same one that we love we are bound to find joy and happiness. Try it and tell me what you find.
It was great to see Allan and Chymie at shule this week. We have missed them dearly.
We farewelled those going to Dave Birks wedding in the USA.
Thank you to the Luries for hosting all the children in the afternoon.
See you all next week for another Shabbat at Chabad!
Rabbi Shalom White- Chabad of Western Australia