Tuesday, June 4, 2013




Hi there wonderful women and men of the Chabad community!


We are starting the baking of our delicious kichel early this year for the Rosh Hashana "YOM TOV MARKET.


We are planning to bake on Mondays and Sundays - Starting Monday 17 June.


I am going away on 22 July and in order not to disappoint our loyal customers, we must make sure that we have enough boxes of kichel for sale.


This is our only Major fundraiser to raise the money which enables us to provide our delicious brochas each week and to cater for bigger Bar/batmitzvah brochas as well.


We have a very sociable time in the kitchen, making new friends and helping to raise money for our congregation and our Shul.


We need at least 8 women or men in the kitchen at one session.  In this way we are able to produce many boxes of beautiful kichel. Please contact me asap with your offer of help. It is much easier to communicate with everyone by email, so if you call my home, please leave your phone number + email address.


I look forward to meeting you all and watching our kichel stocks grow after every baking day!




Roz Tollman


Email :  tollman@iinet.net.au    0421 993 643   9375 1487


Rabbi Shalom White
Chabad WA