Each morning at 7:30am there is coffee and cake served with the study of "Oneness in Creation"
9am Gemara Brachot.
The following is a list of topics that will be discussed in the afternoon program.
Monday-Thursday, 2pm-3pm "Who's who in Judaism?" #1-The Tanach #2- Talmud #3- Rishonim #4- Achronim
Ever wondered why there is different opinions? Ashkenazi and Sefardi? Why does the Rabbi always answer my question with, "well, it depends on who you follow"?
This course is a must, if you want to understand the structure and formation of Judaism today!!!
Monday 6pm-7pm "Kabbalah and Psychology"
This lecture will explain what the similarities and mainly the differences between Kabbalah and Psychology.
Why does the Kabbalah give answers that Psychology can't? Why are so many people turning to Kabbalah for help? What can you get from Kabbalah?
Tuesday 6pm-7pm "How did we get 613 mitzvoth? who's counting?"
Ever wondered how our Rabbi's come up with 613 mitzvoth. What makes a mitzvah a mitzvah? Does everyone agree about the 613 mitzvoth? (of course not)
Wednesday 6pm-7pm "Jewish philosophy, who are the main contributors"
Judaism is a well debated Faith. Our Rabbi's have never taken anything on face value. We have debated the greatest of minds. Judaism has outlived the greatest of philosophies. What do they have to say?
Thursday 6pm-7pm "A Yeshiva look into the Parsha"
We will take an in depth look at our Parsha the Yeshiva style. Text based, and many questions. If you would like to experience Yeshiva, this is for you.
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